What is a Weblog

A brilliant collection of links on to notable articles on Weblogs.

bq. I suspect many of us who write weblogs have attempted to describe what a weblog is to someone who’s never seen one before. I may describe my own as similar to a daily column where I write mostly about web design, technology, and related topics. That barely scratches the surface to describe my weblog or weblogs in general, and that description may not even begin to fit others’ weblogs, either, as each one is unique; however, by relating to a term or phrase someone is already familiar with, such as a daily column, the person at least gets an idea about my weblog.

>> “What’s a Weblog, Anyway?”:http://www.brainstormsandraves.com/2003_06_01_archive.shtml#95223246

“The Future of Weblogging”:http://www.spy.co.uk/Articles/Spiked/Weblogging/: Nico Macdonald puts Weblogging in the context of the history of online publishing, explaining its novelty and value, and indicating where it needs to innovate. He concludes with a proposal encouraging publishers to properly embrace the Weblogging model.

“Articles and Commentary on Weblogs”:http://journalism.berkeley.edu/program/newmediaclasses/weblogs/readings.html :: a web page replete with newpaper stories on blogs. [via “danieldrezner.com”:http://www.danieldrezner.com/archives/000754.html]

*Update:* For those in doubt, “Movabletype”:http://ko.offroadpakistan.com/computing/2003_07/movable_type.html is the best blogging tool. More about blogging:

* “Daniel Drezner: Advice to new bloggers”:http://www.danieldrezner.com/archives/000728.html