Python and the Programmer

Bruce Eckel talks with Bill Venners about how Python’s minimal finger typing allows programmers to focus on the task, not the tool, generating a productivity that makes more projects feasible.

  • In Part I: Python and the Programmer, Bruce Eckel

    explains why he feels Python is “about him,” how minimizing clutter

    improves productivity, and the relationship between backwards

    compatibility and programmer pain.

  • In Part II: The Zen of Python, Bruce Eckel explains

    why he prefers Python’s valuing programmer productivity

    over program performance, Python’s you-want-it-you-can-have-it attitude,

    and Python’s zen-like learning curve.

  • In Part III: Type Checking and Techie Control, Bruce Eckel explains

    why he prefers Python’s latent type checking

    and techie control of language evolution.

  • In Part IV: Python and the Tipping Point, Bruce Eckel talks about

    how Python’s minimal finger typing allows programmers to

    focus on the task, not the tool, generating a productivity that

    makes more projects feasible.

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