Why do people believe in God?

Why Religion?

bq. It’s obvious as we look around us that theism is a popular meme. Probably all of you have friends who are theists, and most of you probably have friends who are weekly church-goers. Many of you are likely theists yourselves. But why? Why religion? Why believe in the first place? Why do most people on the earth believe in a supreme being of some sort, especially one who fails to manifest himself to us?

>> “Kuro5hin.org”:http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2003/6/20/44736/2173

Brilliant post over at Plasticbag:

bq. I’m an atheist. I have been for nearly twenty years, and before that I wasn’t really anything – I didn’t really have a position on God vs. No God. I suppose I just hadn’t thought about it properly. I can’t really understand how anyone can be anything other than an atheist, but – despite my incredulity – people do still seem to conjure for themselves other non-atheistic options from the spiritual ether.

>> “On the existence of God…”:http://www.plasticbag.org/archives/2003/08/on_the_existence_of_god.shtml

A collection of links:

* ” Over Three Hundred Proofs of God?s Existence”:http://www.godlessgeeks.com/LINKS/GodProof.htm

* “Why does God care if we believe in him or not?”:http://my.opera.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=15803

* “Why I Am Not A Christian”:http://users.drew.edu/~jlenz/whynot.html by “Bertrand Russell”:http://www.users.drew.edu/~jlenz/brtexts.html

* “The Atlantic Monthly: E.T. and God”:http://www.theatlantic.com/issues/2003/09/davies.htm :: Could earthly religions survive the discovery of life elsewhere in the universe?

Note: This post will be updated with links as I come across them.

64 thoughts on “Why do people believe in God?”

  1. there is such a thing as being ingrained with some thoughts. that is why we all believe. because we were taught to believe since we were 1 day old.

  2. Why do people believe in God? Let me reword that: Why do the majority of people in this world believe in a higher being-whether that be God, Allah, Buddah, etc.? That’s something I’ve been thinking about for a long time, and very seriously as of lately. I’m glad I have the opportunity to share my two cents.

    If you asked me why so many people believe in a higher power, I’d say that there are a number of reasons. But in my opinion one reason stands high above the rest, and is the root of all other reasons. People believe in a higher power because they need to believe in a higher power. That might sound trite, but I believe it’s a profound statement, as simple as it may be.

    Why do people need to believe in a higher power? For a large number of reasons, but most are to somehow bring security to the very insecure lives they live. Along with that, to allow them to believe that they have control over circumstances in their lives that they wouldn’t otherwise have control over.

    The truth is that the world is a very scary place, to even the most privileged of people, in the most privileged of places. No person can live without fear of cancer, or a nuclear war, or even a meteor smashing into the earth-these are things that even the most powerful of people can’t prevent from happening. These are things that scare all of us. And none of us like to admit or accept the fact that there’s nothing we can do to eliminate these dangers.

    To me, the answer to the question of “Why do people believe in God?” is a matter of human nature. By saying that I don’t mean to imply that it’s a human instinct to believe in a higher power. But I do believe that it’s a human instinct to do our best to make our lives secure, and eliminate (or reduce) the dangers that threaten us. Humans need security in their lives, but they realize that there are certain insecurities that they are incapable of eliminating. So their solution is to bring a higher being into the picture, who will protect them and provide for them, and ultimately give them control over the circumstances they have no control over-including what happens after they die.

    Another thing: the belief in a higher being establishes hope, and that’s something I believe is absolutely necessary in the lives ALL people. When times are bad we need to be able to believe that they will get better, even when the evidence suggests otherwise. For many people-especially less fortunate people-belief in a higher being is the only reason they have to believe things will get better, and consequently the only reason they have to go on. That’s another reason so many people need to believe in a higher being.

    As to the questions of:

    1) Is there a god?

    2) Which god is the real god?

    3) Etc.

    I personally believe that the only intelligent approach to any of these questions to say you don’t know. Period. I think some of the most foolish people in the world are scientists who don’t believe there is a god-or who even lean that direction. Why? Because they have no basis for that belief, and because they fail to see the big picture. Science has revealed many of the secrets to the universe to us, and I wouldn’t be surprised if the human race knew every thing about the universe, someday. But the universe is only a small part of the picture of our existence-or the existence of anything, including matter, space, and time. The answer to the question of why there is a universe cannot be contained within the universe-and the “Big Bang Theory” doesn’t explain that either (for all you scientists). Even Einstein said it would be foolish to deny the possibility of a higher being.

    As far as the question: Is there a god, and which god is the real god? Let me say this: I was born into a devout Christian family, and was a Christian myself for about the first 22 years of my life. I was completely convinced that I was going to heaven and everyone else who was going to hell. Then I realized something: the high majority of religions encourage the exact same way of thinking. To elaborate a little… there are many Muslims who think that Christians will not be going to heaven, and there are probably many Buddhists who think that Muslims won’t be going to heaven (truthfully I don’t know much about the Buddhist religion-I’m just guessing). It even goes as far that Mormons don’t think Christians will be going to heaven, and Jehovah’s Witnesses don’t think Mormons will be going to heaven.

    The point is that most religions are very similar; at least the fundamental points of most religions are alike. Every religion has a different god, and although each god prefers to be worshiped in a different way, and has different laws, each god has one thing in common: if you don’t believe in him, you’re going to hell-or you’re going to come back as a fly, or something negative like that.

    When you step back and look at the big picture, and see billions of people in hundreds of different religions, all convinced their religion, which is fundamentally very similar to the others, is the only correct religion-and their god is the only real god-what you see are billions of people acting the same. And when you realize that you’re only one out of 5 billion people who are basically acting the same, you become less sure that you’ve chosen the correct religion. And if you really think about it… if there are 100 religions to choose from, and only one is right, that means 99 are wrong. When 100 religions are fundamentally very similar, why would 1 be right and 99 be wrong? More than likely, if 99 religions are wrong, 100 religions are wrong.

    As far as the “evidence” people use to support their belief in god: I call that wishful thinking… maybe even “needful” thinking. People need to confirm their belief in something that’s very difficult to believe in, so they see what they want to see. A positive coincidence becomes a miracle. And when they pray for something and get what they prayed for it, it was undoubtedly the work of God-even though people who don’t believe in God get what they want as often as God-fearing people do. Most of us used the same style of wishful thinking when we very young, when we started finding the whole notion of Santa Claus hard to swallow. Even after we saw our parents putting presents under the tree, and saw isles and isles of toys at department stores (instead of at the North Pole) we found ways to keep believing in Santa Claus, because it was such a wonderful notion we didn’t want to let it go. The same thing happens with adults and religion.

    Anyways, who knows if there’s a god or not? Not me. I think the best approach to this very troubling issue is to keep your mind open and do your best to live a good life. That way if there is a god, and he’s a good god, and he’s separating the good from the bad, you’ll have a good chance at going where the good people go. And if he truly is a good and just god, I don’t think he’s going to get hung up on a technicality like whether you were Christian, Mormon, Muslim, or a non-believer. I would hope that your actions would carry a lot more weight than which church you went to, or whether you read the bible or the Koran.

    On the other hand, if there is a god, and we need to believe in him in order to go to heaven, I’m sure we’ll have plenty of time to discuss this in hell.

  3. i think people can just be fed the info and believe but some people refuse to believe i’m not sure myself but if there is a god i think we should be allowed to see him. other people are brought up that way but others are not. we should really all believe or not believe.

  4. I know there is a God by faith. God shows me diffrent things every day… If God were to show you things that normal eyes could not see would you believe in him? would you try to become closer to him or would you just figure what you saw was a dream or somthing your mind made up?….You dont have to see God to know he is there, you know he is there by all the blessings he puts in your life you know he is there by faith…… God loved you before anyone else did and he still loves you.

  5. By definition faith is: Belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence. Now in my opinion that is the equivelant of someone in a psychiatric ward wouldn’t it? To beleive something that cannot be logically proven. But is adament that it does exist to the point that we devote ourselves, our money, our children, our cattle (which were scrafices for GODS), but still lived horrible lives. Why is it such a task to get to know GOD. If GOD is so omnipotent, we could ask a question and get an answer immediately, there would be no need to go through religion or church, omnipotent;all powerful it just should happen, or precogniscance because he knows everything and everything is about to happen. But nothing is ever prevented. War, Famin, Murder, Death,… it all happens because there is no one being controlling us or overseeing us. Life is just that, life. We live and we die. No one can ever fathom the concept of where we come from because we have no knowledge of history that long ago. So for security in ourselves, we created GODs (mentally) to look over us. Just as kids have imagenary friends that look over them, but they do not exist.

    Something to ponder for everyone. How can you deny the findings of human skulls like homoerectus, neanderthals, etc. All of which are not the same but are human. And put side by side, you see the constant we call evolution that occurred throughout time by the changes of the skull from the past to the present state and form of the human skull or skeleton.

    These findings are without faith and are logical enough to the sense that you can touch and feel these objects.

    A rational mind is a powerful mind that will go the ends to find the answer with logic

    An irrational mind is a powerful mind to concieve fallacies for security of ones being that are illogical

  6. I believe their is a God or at least some manifestation of him/she/it. Why? I’ve simply come to the conclusion. As a child my grandmother fed my religious doctrine like pie and I bought into it mindlessly. Now I reject that and come to my own conclusion.

    You see the views atheistic minds have brought to us are severely flawed. For starters the “Big Bang Theory” states that “Once upon a time long, long ago in a void far, far away there was a singularity. It went bang(why?Me no no?) and a few billion years later here we are. Wow. Good theory, I’ll just ignore the holes. What holes? Well what created the proverbial “cosmic egg”? What acted upon it to force it into explosion? What existed before th bang?

    If you guy remember from science class anything that has or had a beginning has to have a cause(God does not need a cause because he has no beginning). What caused the Big Bang? Even if we find what cause the big bang the the question will be what caused that and it will go on into infinity. Illogically, ain’t it?

    Even if there was a Bang since the universe had a beginning it would by definition would need an end. If the universe continues to expand it’ll go on forever right? While the holes on the “big bang theory” are quite numerous I won’t list anymore here except one more. If the universe is in fact expanding, what is it expanding in? Their has to be something outside to increase within.

    The revered evolutionism. Sciences perfect defense against theology. Or at least it was until someone asked “Where are the transitional fossils?” If we supposedly evolve where are the creatures which come in the middle the missing link. I’ll tell you one thing, we’ve seen this world 100 times over and found fossils of just about every animal that has ever existed and we have’nt found one transitional fossil. These missing links aren’t missing they don’t exist. And sadly, the driving force of evolution, necessity, is intrigingly absent from many evolved specie. Most importantly, why would “Mother Nature” craft a specie so intelligent it could destroy the world around it with the push of a button? There is absolutly no reason for apes(or a similar ancestor apparently) to evolve so far so that it can destroy itself. Why? Sort of overkill, at least I think so.

    On another note, how exactly or maybe why exactly did fish leave the ocean. And don’t say food because if everything was living in the ocean, why leave?

    There’s much more to be said about the faulty evolution but I’ll move on. On a final note religion exists because without it we’d all be dead. Yes we would be dead as religion establishes morality. Without the morality laid down by religion so long ago the only thing keeping everyone from murdering each other is self-restraint,which many of you lack. Without religion there is no right and wrong and the social civilized society breaks down. Wait, before any starts speaking about past religious atrocities remember Hitler and Stalin we’re both atheists. Also, the atrocities commited by the church palre in comparision with those of atheists of the now. Rape,murder,adultery,pediphilia,homosexuality(which produces the very devestating HIV/AIDS) dishonesty,theivery,bribery, and promiscuity to name a few. I’m not saying the church is perfect but remember your current actions before questioning the churches past actions.

    One final final note. I don’t believ in god because of logical proof but it’s a plus. Also the post above questions why can’t you rely on god. If he help you to much you’d stop relying on yourself if he helped to little then you’d stop believing.

  7. A long time ago, people did not have the knowledge or the means to obtain knowledge like we do today. Therefore when a mystery was presented, people either assumed or invented an explanation. They were wrong about a lot of stuff, and there is no reason to assume they would have guessed right the origin of humanity. However I think more than likely since they did not anything about outer space, they probably wondered how the moon and the stars and the sun could float in the sky like that. I know that word of mouth usually ends up changing the story more and more as it spreads from 1 group of people to another. That might be why there are so many religions with a few simmilarities. I know that man likes man to agree with him, that’s probably why so many religions use the threat of hell to pursuade people to accept their belief as truth. That’s also the reason most creeds contain a decree that says to kill non believers. Obviously parents don’t want their children to burn, so they are going to raise their children to be religous. Most people do what their parents did, that is the main reason we still have religion today. The other reason is to help people’s image. Church is a chance for people to go socialize, and present the image of a good christian family. Religous people rely of faith instead of evidence. Other wise it would dissapear. I do know that if you took a poll to determine the percentage of beliefs, it would be very different for 20 year olds than it would for 80 year olds. We are moving in a direction of acceptance of the truth. I also think this will help dramatically the efforts to reach world peace.

  8. The post by the end contains several lies, just so you know. Hitler jsutified his atrocitie towards jews because the bible said jews crucified jesus.

    His comments surrouding the big bang. There are no holes. There are mysteries. How did this happen? How did that happen? They are unanswered questions. I wish I knew what caused the big bang. That supposed hole you refer to about what caused the singularity, it applies to the beginning of god too. That “always existed” was a cop out answer, because they don’t the answer, and they want to pretend they do, unlike scientists who admit the difference between a theory and a fact. That’s why we have them. If we pretended to know every answer they wouldn’t have any work left.

    And now to the missing links. We found most of them. So they do exist. I’ve seen one with my own 2 eyes right in front of me.

    Even if God did exist before the beginning of our space time continium(which is possible according to the laws of physics) that would mean he lives in his own space time continium where he would still have an origin. He had to get put together somehow, to assume otherwise is just about as stupid as you can be. The earth ain’t flat, it ain’t the center of the universe, there is no life after death, and there ain’t no God.

  9. to the end

    The priests are the pedophiles, aids is contracted not produced and it doesn’t choose between sexual orientaion. You consider homosexuality an attrocity? How about prejudice and biggetry? Churches steal and bribe too you know? Do you think a christian is incapable of commiting a crime or something? I’m sorry, I wont say this about all religous people, but you are one of the most illogial stupid people I have ever communicated to.

  10. I don’t know why anybody has to be so critical on wether or not anybody believes in god. I have my doubts and my proofs that make more since to me when I think about them rather than voice them. The religion I follow is not a widly know or praised religion exactly and I hate that the way I believe is wrong and people that have the same beliefs I do or different from Christian beliefs are prosecuted or shunned. If the religion harms no-one why should anyone care what you believe or not? I hate it when people are so into their religion they forget that people have the right to believe what the want and they are hurting their fellow man. I don’t really care if you follow any particular religion or that you don’t believe in God. If anyone believes that I am wrong because of what I believe or that I sin in my ways then fine to hell I come. It seems to me more people worry about what happens after death that some feel thay better believe or pay for it for the rest of internity. Personally I think all Gods are one God and I actually believe more in Good vs. Evil than any “true” God.

  11. I go to a Catholic School. People believe in God because they are brainwashed to think so. Humans may be the most intelligent beings on the planet but we are also the most easily persuaded. I could literally say that i am a religion teacher and tell the class that Ants go to heaven and the class would believe me. The thing that bothers me the most is when kids ask “Do we believe….” It is really sad when we have to ask another person what it is we believe in. You should believe what you want to believe, not what some idiot in the Vatican says you have to believe. Religion is the absense of thought. I am an atheist, yet i think agnostics have it right. I really dont think there is a God but I guess agnostics have it right. I DONT KNOW, AND YOU DONT EITHER!!!!.

  12. I am a christian. But, I respect anyones religion because we all really have no clue how we got here etc etc etc. I do believe there is a higher power who made earth and all the universe and us…maybe it is the “Christian God” maybe it isn’t. Maybe some guy wrote the “holy bible” in the begining and it is all a lie..who knows..what I do know and believe is that there is something out there where ever and that thing made us..well..unless we are just all gods and goddesses -laugh out loud- maybe someday someone will find out the answer.

  13. whats the word that means u dont believe in god but u do believe in a higher power, it begins with an A i think, and its not athiest

  14. I am a Muslim and I do believe in god. God is everything for us, our religion is ovbiously different from others (Islam). For a start we have proof that there is GOD. We have the HOLY BOOK. It is not up to me to make people believe in God, other people believe in other things, which is completely up to them. Islam is full of calmness and is peaceful. I am proud to be called a Muslim.

  15. There are alot of bad things that happen and we can not explain why. Think about it though. If bad things didn’t happen people wouldn’t have compassion for one another.

  16. I personally know that there is a god,. alot of people say that if there was a god why doesnt he save everyone from dying and free everyone from pain? But if you thinksboutit God does not intervene in any of our wicked activity, why should we expect Him to intervene in our lust to violence. He never caused it. He created a good world, but then sin entered and this is what we have. He warns us that to “live by the sword, is to die by the sword,” is that not enough? Do we not understand the history we ourselves have written? it seems like we blame god for our actions and the way peopleare in the world today.Thats not godsfault, have you not forgotten his friend satan? Heis causing alll this conflict, and although god has so much more power over him, the only way you will get proper answers is to believe him.when you believe, thats when things start happenning and its not a coincidence.I have been a christian for 2 years and theres no way i would change my life. Because i’ve felt the works of god, not just prayed and felt nothing, and it really bugsme that people think that just because your a christian your lifes perfect and you rely on god like you cant fend for yourself.I’ts not about relying on god, it’s about having hope in him, and faith that grows coz i respect everyone elses opinions, but it winds me up that just because ur a christian you can’t make mistakes. God is very real and in reply to the person that said ‘you are one of the most illogial stupid people I have ever communicated to.’ you basically did mean that for everyone and it annoys me that you thinkthat we all reckon we can’t make mistakes, when we are the ones that actually realise our faults and that we are all sinners.And why are we stupid?Do we say your stupid for your belief?:No. we are the ones that realise that we are like a bit of dust and our life could be over any second. we are the ones that realise we are not amazing and we humble ouselves. im 19 years old and before i was a christian i was just open. i turned to god because i have alwayshad thoughts of god, but i didnt wana know at 1st. the rest of my family hven’t. i was going through a rough stage. but alot ofpeople think u want god cos ur lonely, or want to think that wen loved ones die, that the amazing lord is there. BUT THEY DONT REALLY BELIEVE IN GOD!! to believe and knowgod you have to have a personal relationship with him, and you have to know and feel that he is there. They are just reasons why people would believe.Another thing that makes me laugh is that people act like christianity is such a bad thing. We are making our lives better and trying to be nicer to the people in this world. All the posts ive read so far have been very interesting. The thing that sticks out the most is, majority of the people that don’t believe in god, have been quite rudeor harsh to affect believers. And the believers have been nice back, not been rude. But all i can say is when we all die, then that is when judgement day will come, and you will all know the truth. Thanks for reading. You don’t have to respect my view but be polite about it. godbless x

  17. oh i also forgot to add that, when you read what ive wrote your probably asking alot of questions. But i just wanna say that i don’t have all the answers but i nkow that there is a god, and he doesnt want all this pain.

  18. We all accept things as true on “blind faith” constantly. For example, we typically accept the veracity of our memories of our experiences as factual unless something arises to cause us to raise them into question. Indeed, were we actually unable to even trust our own thoughts from moment to moment, there would be no way in which we could function. These thoughts are internal to ourselves, and must be accepted as factual on nothing more than “blind faith”.

    What does this have in common with religion? Plenty. For one, a person’s belief in their religion can be founded on their personal experiences, and another person who has not participated in that experience has the right to question the veracity of that person’s experience only insomuch sa they likewise have the right to question another person’s account about any experience to which they cannot themselves testify. In other words, it’s just one person’s word against another.

    The only real evidence that you can find that god exists ultimately is that there are other people who believe in him. Perhaps the nature of their belief varies, perhaps they are not altogether right about everything that they think they are, but the premise of the deity remains constant. It must be considered that it is highly unlikely that there would be such a diverse group of people, regardless of upbringing, race, or culture, many of whom are very highly educated people, could simultaneously and by nothing more than chance be so completely deluded into believing a single fallacy: that there is a god. Indeed, it is much more credible to suspect that there is some common reason that creates this belief.

    Conversely, there is no evidence at all that god does not exist, beyond what one may interpret as absence of any convincing evidence. But one must remember, of course, that absence of evidence does not equate to evidence of absence.

    So what common reason could exist to believe in god other than the possibility that god actually existed? Was it an ancient deception initially created by an ancient government or organization in political power as a means of controlling the people? While not disprovable, this is unlikely, because it smacks of the same problem that all conspiracy theories do. In particular, there are simpler explanations. Even the premise that god actually exists is simpler in scope than what would be required to keep this going for this amount of time.

    Perhaps we are genetically predisposed towards a belief in God. That belief in God somehow facilitates our improved chances for continued survival. While it’s true that hope is extremely important to our emotional well being, but then would we not be damaging ourselves as a species in terms of our long term survival if we continue to foster the speculation that this ancient hope that has existed in man since recorded history is actually just silly superstition? Indeed, it would seem that we are, unless we can somehow evolve beyond our dependancy for hope to feed our emotional health. We seem to be choosing to guide humanity’s evolution down this path, but is it one we want to take?

  19. Dear,

    i dont’t know whether here is a god or not the only thing which i know is that i hate blood shed lie conspiracy theft begging n luv all things on this earth whether living or non livin i luv to help people coz all this gives me satisfaction im not doin this for world or as a visa to go heaven beside my view is that work is worship n relations make a person emotional n it makes me weak which i hate i dont want to discuss abt god its time consumin n ll lead nowhere

    each n every person who read it have a happy n prosperous life

    luv u tc


  20. Does the human spirit need faith in God? Does a car need a driver? Does a car run on soda water? Does a tree need roots? Does your soul feel empty?

    The true issue is not that people cannot believe in God–it is that they will not believe. It’s not a matter of brain power, for there are outstanding Christians in every field of the arts and sciences. Belief is ultimately a matter of the will.

    A student once told Paul E. Little, a Christian speaker, that he had satisfactorily answered all his questions.

    “Are you going to become a Christian? ” Little asked.

    “No,” he replied.

    Puzzled, Little asked, “Why not?”

    He admitted, “Frankly, because it would mess up the way I’m living.”

    He realized the real issue for him was not intellectual understanding, but moral conviction.

    (excerpt from Know Why You Believe by Paul E. Little)

  21. altamash, i was also a muslim up to the age 22…

    And now, i share 100% of your thoughts,

    Very well written.

    I dont believe in the god that religions created, because to me he/she/it sounds like an emperor, hitler or saddam hussain.

    I also like the pure truth in ur words. You don’t know. And you are not claiming that you know, you are simply a good person seeking the truth.

  22. why does a muslim/christian/hindu/jew/jehovah wittness and whoever else that believes in god , believe that god can help them and what are the benefits of praying?lotsa luv.

  23. DO YOU BELIEVE IN HISTORY? WHATS WITH ALL OF THE ARTIFACTS found in Israel & those countries where Jesus was crucified? Do you believe there was a Jesus who was crucified? Do you know that the Bible is A HISTORY BOOK and that ALL of the places in the BIBLE DO REALLY EXIST?

  24. I gotta say people are amazing and have very interesting opinions. cool comments!! Well i could sit here and type a long comment on why God exists and yadi yadi yot but Im not. From the evidence i have looked at and gathered i came to the conclusion that God most likely exists and created us. I challenge everyone who reads this to get on there knees and ask God to reveal himself somehow and show them he is real and see what happens. Also check out the show faith under fire, saturday nights @ 10 on pax. God bless all of you

  25. I believe in God. Everyone I know believes in God. I know God exists because it is documented that my religion started about halfway through recorded history. Maybe later. I don’t know. But I can feel His presence through the life he gave me. It feels so unnatural and extraordinary. It can only be the work of God. And how can people believe in no heaven? Their mind just dies? There is obviously a seamless transition from consciousness to the point when you live with your soul. But what of my new senses? My soul is not living. It cannot die. Will it just be an illusion imitating my past life? I cannot wait until I go to Heaven. But it is odd that I still fear death. Apparantly my faith cannot compete with the instinct God has given me to survive. He is so powerful! But remember, God is more self-obsorbed and narcissistic than any human could be. He will make all atheists burn in Hell! Oh and people so depressed who thought their only option was to suicide. He hates them just as much as murdering terrorists. They’ll burn in Hell too.

  26. i believe that hitler had it right, hitler wanted to kill the jews or export them because to him they were worthless, they were asylum seekers, they had the land, they had the money but most of all they were the basis for some of the most heinous crimes that man has commited, the creation of religion.

    In china, korea, japan, mongolia and other oriental countries it is concidered cleansing to rape a baby or a young girl or boy why religion is the basis for this belief.

    CATHOLICS!!!! oh dont get me started, lets just say when the jehovas witnesses said the next plague would be transmitted by blood they meant religion now does that mean the catholic religion, the fact that catholics dont believe in contraception or abortion is disgusting and i am sorry for the people that believe that contraception is wrong but you are wrong! if you truely believe that god will prevent HIV then you should be locked up!!


    save the fuhrer

  27. I only wished I had the ignorance to believe in God.

    It’s a catch22 situation for me, I won’t believe in God till I feel a presence which is abnormal and of a higher power and God wont touch me unless I believe in him. Your move God!!!

  28. Hey guys!!! my name is Luke Younger. I just wanted all of you who have read this web site or will in the future, to know that there is a God and he loves you more than you will ever understand. No matter how many things youve committed that are against God, he forgives you. When God formed humans he created us in his own image, but we destroyed that by our sinful nature. God loves you no matter if you love him or not, and if someone loves you more than anything everywhere why not love him back. God gave us a way to eternal life through putting his son on the cross. In shorter terms, God had to commit a sin to allow us to be sinless. There are many questions that people struggle with in the existance of God, but i promise if you seek for Jesus’s love in your life you will see change. I encourage you to get a Bible and read Genesis, Which describes the beginning of the world through God’s eyes. Then read some of the new testament, Matthew, Mark, Luke,John, and 1 John and learn more about God’s son who gives us eternal life if we ask.

  29. The funny thing is, Dirt and worm both have a claim, another funny thing is, people are liars,

    “the church says the world is flat, but i know that it is round, for i have seen the shadow on the moon, and i have more faith in a shadow than in the church.” F.Magellan

    People have always been and always will be, liars. For thier own gain, or even just for fun, people have been telling lies since we climbed out of the womb. And I do not see it coming to a halt anytime soon. Its one of our favorite past times.

    to believe in something is to believe. it is not to question , it is just to believe, if you want to (you big dorks) I have personally never met anyone like the man described in that damnable book! And i welcome him, to show hisself, but to no avail. He hides, behind centuries of old stories, passed down from dork to dork. And all prayers go unanswered, there has never been a knock in my bosom, and he was never on the other side of the door to my heart(WTF?) Death is the only truth, what lies beyond is not meant for the living, it is not up for discussion, for we haven’t a clue, and by we I mean me, and by me i mean you.

  30. you guys are all LOSERS and are gonna die eventually due to nostradamus’s predicitions and even if you dont believe in his theories; your still going to eventually die due to plagues and natural causes

  31. i’m glad to see that everybodys getting their view points and ideas out in the open; it is a start but God is not done working with you all; i’m not demeaning anyone, but all the things said in this post are merely thoughts and ideas. when i said God is not done working with you I meant that he has been working on you for quite some time. do you ever wonder why he stays on your mind 24/7? do you ever wonder why you have so many inquiries? God works within us all mysteriously. yes this sounds trite, but it is quite true. here’s a proposal; if you haven’t tried god, try him. but before you do you have to BELIEVE. i cant stress that enough. if you approach God you have to be sincere just like you would be if you were going out for a sport. the coach wants someone who exhibits skill and passion for the game. you are probably laughing by now because you’re i’ve heard it all before… but just do it. this is your eteranl state we’re talking about! Okay— so i’ve blabbered and garbled on– now you want proof- God must be working with me right now cuz i could be doing something else just like you could be, but you’re here reading this post cuz He is working with you as well. Okay– the proof- I am a saved and sanctified believer in Christ Jesus- i dont know what that means to you but I live by it daily;Okay that wasn’t the proof of God’s existence i just want to let you know that this story im about to tell you is true! it was a horrifying experience for me, i really hate to reminisce on it, BUT I’D LOVE TO USE IT TO MAKE A BELIEVER OUT OF YOU! Here it goes-

    My older brother was once a somewhat believer in God. he knew of God but he didn’t keep Gods dogma……bla….. okay. since i was about 13 ive always tried to persuade people in my family to get saved, baptized, and walk by God. (another sign of God because now that i look back i dont know where i got the courage to approach people like that.) back to my brother… about last year my brother became curious about God and he had many many many many questions. i tried my best to answer them and i told him you’ll just have to try God yourself. OKAY HE TRIED GOD- HE ASKED GOD TO COME INTO HIS LIFE AND HE ASKED FOR SALVATION THROUGH CHRIST JESUS! NOW WHAT IM ABOUT TO TELL YOU ISNT COMFORTING BUT I HOPE IT BRINGS YOU OUT OF THE DARK ENOUGH TO SEE THAT GOD IS REAL!


  32. Some really bad thing are said in there… :

    “I personally believe that the only intelligent approach to any of these questions to say you don’t know. Period. I think some of the most foolish people in the world are scientists who don’t believe there is a god-or who even lean that direction. Why? Because they have no basis for that belief…”

    How can it be the most foolish thing to not believe something that we have 0 proof??? In a scientific approach, you believe in things that can be explain and in a non scientific approach, you can believe until it is 100% false. Which one of these approaches seems to be the best? The non scientific approach helps to keep a lot of bad things alive : all the beliefs involved in racism, sexism, homophobia, etc.

    It is ok to believe or not believe in god depending of which approach you take, but saying thing like “I think some of the most foolish people in the world are scientists who don’t believe there is a god” is really not an intelligent approach.

    For the one who said that there are no transitional fossils and who does not believe in evolution (or macroevolution), keep in mind that you really don’t know what you’re taking about.

  33. Why do I believe that God exists and Christianity to be the only true religion? Why do I not accept the popular idea that one religion or philosophical worldview is just as good as another? These are important questions that deserve rational answers. The following is my attempt to provide them.

    I will begin with atheism. There are a number of reasons why I believe that atheism is inadequate as a rational worldview. Atheism is inadequate as a rational worldview because it cannot adequately explain the existence of the universe. The majesty and order of the universe, and the wonder and complexities of life on earth, cries out for an explanation. The atheist, however, is unable to provide a consistent one. If he argues that matter is eternal, he is going against modern science which states that the universe had a beginning and is gradually running down. If the atheist affirms that the universe had a beginning, then he must account for what caused it. Either way, the atheist cannot adequately explain the universe and this world so full of complex forms of life.

    The atheistic worldview is irrational and cannot provide an adequate basis for intelligible experience. An atheistic world is ultimately random, disorderly, transitory, and volatile. It is therefore incapable of providing the necessary preconditions to account for the laws of science and the universal laws of logic. In short, it cannot account for the meaningful realities people encounter in life.

    Atheism as a worldview can furnish no rational basis for determining good and evil, or the human need for absolute moral standards. If there is no God who is by nature absolutely good, then there is no absolute standard for judging something to be good or evil. The atheist objects to the existence of God due to the presence of evil in the world, but can give no rationale on how he knows the difference between good and evil, much less provide a solution to the problem apart from God.

    The law of non-contradiction is the foundation for all logical thinking. It is known by a couple different names: the law of contradiction, and the law of non-contradiction. No matter what you call it, this law is absolutely inviolable. The law may be defined as follows: a statement cannot be true and not true at the same time and in the same respect. For example: It cannot be both raining and not raining at the same time and in the same respect. It could have been raining yesterday, but not today. Or, it could be raining where I live but not where you live. But it cannot be both raining and not raining at the same time and in the same place.

    The law of non-contradiction is a very useful tool in helping to arrive at the truth regarding which worldview has more validity. For those familiar with the conflicting doctrines of the major world religions, it is rather apparent that they cannot all be true. Some are pantheistic, some are polytheistic, and still others are monotheistic.

    Some teach a personal God, while others teach an impersonal one. Now it follows that if there is only one God — if monotheism is true — then all religions that teach polytheism and pantheism must then of necessity be false. And if it is true that God is a personal God, then all religions that teach an impersonal God must be false.

    Christianity teaches that when a person dies, that person will go to heaven or to hell. Eastern religions say those who die will be reincarnated. Now a person could go to heaven or hell, or be reincarnated, but he cannot go to heaven or hell and be reincarnated at the same time. Both views cannot be right. One must be wrong. We could say the same about each of the doctrines of the various religions.

    So it follows that either A) all of the major world religions are false, or B) only one religion is true. Now I will show you why I believe B), and why I believe that Christianity is that one true religion.

    For Hindus, the highest of all truths is believed to be the truth of all religions. It has been already demonstrated above, in the paragraphs about the law of non-contradiction, this teaching cannot possibly be true. This is why I reject Hinduism. Also, Hinduism teaches that our individual identities are part of a large, divine illusion called Maya. In other words, we do not really exist as individuals. The irrationality of this can be seen by considering this question. How could anyone know if they were part of a dream? It is like two characters in your dream asking the question, “Do I exist?” How would they test such a thing?

    Everything that they would measure to find out if they were real is not real itself either, only part of the dream. How could they have true knowledge of this? To put it most simply, does Charlie Brown know he is a cartoon character? Of course not. It is a ludicrous, incoherent concept. That is why in my view Hinduism is disqualified on its face. It is obviously false that individual people can have true knowledge that they do not really exist and are just an illusion. This is a contradiction and therefore Hinduism must be false.

    What about Islam? Let’s compare Jesus and His teachings to that of Muhammad. Jesus birth’s was foretold in hundreds of prophecies. Muhammad has no prophecies foretelling his birth or mission. Jesus was miraculously born of a virgin. Muhammad, however, was born of the natural union of a human father and mother. Jesus lived a sinless life (2 Corinthians 5:21) and is considered sinless by the Quran (called an all-Righteous one). Muhammad, however was someone who needed forgiveness for his faults (sura 40:55, 41:19). Jesus performed many miracles to substantiate His claims (Luke 7:22), but nowhere in the Quran does it state that Muhammad performed any miracles. None of Jesus enemies could find any fault with Him, but even the Quran states that Muhammad took his son Zaid’s wife from him (sura 33:36-38). Finally, Muhammad is dead today. His grave is in Medina. Jesus is alive forever. He rose from the dead and ascended to the right hand of the Father.

    Buddha also fulfilled no prophecies, was born of the natural union of a human father and mother, lived a less than perfectly moral life, and is dead today. Buddhism teaches that the question of God’s existence is meaningless. Buddha believed in reincarnation. He taught that every evil thing we do ties us more tightly to the cycle of rebirth. Buddha taught that a person can escape the cycle of reincarnation and enter nirvana only by following the “Noble Eight-fold Path”, a strict ethical system. Buddhist teachings include dedication to meditation. To the classical Buddhist, to attain nirvana is simply to be out of existence. Buddhism offers no personal salvation. It stands against sin and immorality, but it ignores the issue of God’s existence and our need for redemption. At its root, Buddhism is a form of agnosticism or at least practical atheism. It provides no answers about the ultimate meaning of existence. Although its answers may be better than no answers at all, by denying the ultimate meaningfulness of life Buddhism provides its followers with little motivation to conquer evil or to work for justice. Jesus Christ, in contrast, confronts us with the need to become right with God and to introduce a new order into the world, an order He called “the kingdom of God.”

    Probably the oldest religious tradition is that of Animism, found mostly among the so-called “primitive” peoples of the world such as the Native American cultures. Animism teaches that the world is populated by a myriad of spirit beings that can be appeased and manipulated through ritual and magic. Animism is a large part of the Wiccan belief system and occurs commonly in occult and spiritism circles. It is also a large factor in the belief in “luck.” The major weakness of animistic religion is that it is basically non-ethical.

    The goal in this religion is primarily to procure the best advantage in the power struggle of the spirit world. There are no ultimate absolutes other than what the spirits of a clan prefer. These are the mores of the tribe. The spirits are finite and experience the same failures as humans. Animism also is ultimately subjective and irrational. Animists are not generally open to a rational examination of their beliefs. It is the experience that counts. Authority comes from tradition. “My ancestors did this for hundreds of years!” Animism leads to fatalism and despair because it provides no answers to the questions of life’s meaning and significance, or purpose in history. There is no basis for human dignity in animism. Humans are on the same level as all other forms of life. It is essentially a religion of demons (idolatry). Missionaries who work on reservations in the American west often speak of the oppressive atmosphere as a result of spirit bondage. It is a religion of fear. Alcoholism and suicide are major problems in most animistic cultures.

    Regarding Wicca, witches follow a principle of ethics known as the Wiccan Rede: “That ye harm none, do what ye will.” Whether witches realize it or not, their views raise some very problematic issues even over and above those raised by animism above: (1) Where does the Wiccan Rede derive from? (2) If there is “no one right religion, way, or truth for all,” then why is this rule (the Wiccan Rede) universal? How do we know that witches are not just trying to impose their rule on us to “shackle our minds and actions,” as they put it? (3) How do witches account for the origin and existence of evil and suffering?

    Since I believe that Jesus is indeed the promised Messiah of the Old Testament, as I will show below, then automatically I must reject Rabbinic/traditional Judaism since they reject Jesus as the Messiah.

    The only other great religious traditions that I know about are those of Taoism in China and Shintoism in Japan. These religions are pantheistic like Hinduism, but also have a number of animistic characteristics. Those teachings have been adequately covered above.

    Regarding Jesus Christ, the tenants of Christianity are not based on some kind of blind faith — as some people have claimed. In fact, Christianity depends very much on the testimony of eyewitnesses. A large portion of the Bible is just that: the eyewitness accounts of people who were actually there. Christians do not depend on a single individual’s revelation of the truth (as, for example, in Islam and Buddhism). In fact, Jesus Christ, the object of the Christian’s devotion and the focal point of all Scripture, did not write a single word of the Bible!

    Some say that Jesus was a myth, that He was not a historical figure. These people maintain that no credible evidence exists that would substantiate His historicity. But nothing can be further from the truth. There is actually better historical evidence for the existence of Jesus and what Christians believe about Him than for just about any ancient historical figure. For example, the Jewish historian Flavius Josephus, who was not a Christian, wrote in 93-94 A.D.:

    “At this time there was a wise man who was called Jesus. And his conduct was good, and [he] was known to be virtuous. And many people from among the Jews and other nations became his disciples. Pilate condemned him to be crucified and to die. And those who had become his disciples did not abandon his discipleship. They reported that he had appeared to them three days after his crucifixion and that he was alive; accordingly, he was perhaps the messiah concerning whom the prophets have recounted wonders.” Antiquities of the Jews, XVIII.iii.3

    A Roman historian by the name of Cornelius Tacitus wrote in 112 A.D.:

    “Christus, the founder of the name, was put to death by Pontius Pilate, procurator of Judea in the reign of Tiberius: but the pernicious superstition, repressed for a time broke out again, not only through Judea, where the mischief originated, but through the city of Rome also.” Annals, XV.44

    While there are other references outside the Bible that demonstrate Jesus was an actual historical person, for the sake of brevity these two examples should suffice.

    The teachings of Jesus Christ and the claims He made for Himself are well documented in the first four books of the New Testament (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) in the Bible. But those claims would be nothing if He failed to rise from the dead after He was crucified, as He predicted He would. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is considered to be the cornerstone of the Christian faith. Without it, Jesus is a fraud and Christianity a false religion. So the question before us is this: “Did Jesus rise from the dead?”

    The Christian Church is worldwide in scope. Its history can be traced back to Palestine around 32 AD. Did it just happen or was there a cause for it? These people who were first called Christians at Antioch turned the world of their time upside down. They constantly referred to the resurrection as the basis for their teaching, preaching, living, and — significantly — dying. The Apostle Paul summed up very well what the gospel is in 1 Corinthians 15:1-11. There he defined it as Jesus dying for the sins of humanity and rising from the dead, according to the Scriptures. Paul also said, “And if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain”. He said, “And if Christ be not raised, your faith is vain; you are yet in your sins”. And furthermore, he said, “Then they also which are fallen asleep in Christ are perished if Christ has not been raised from the dead.” (1 Corinthians 15:12-20) The apostles preached this message because the resurrection of Jesus Christ proved that He was who He said He was — the Son of God. It demonstrated that the blood Jesus shed on the cross had the power to save sinners, and that in the end, all will raised from the dead.

    The testimony of the New Testament contains six independent testimonies to the fact of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Three of them by eyewitnesses: John, Peter, and Matthew. Paul, writing to the churches at an early date, referred to the resurrection in such a way that it is obvious that to him and his readers the event was well known and accepted without question. Are these men, who helped transform the moral structure of society, consummate liars or deluded madmen? These alternatives are harder to believe than the fact of the resurrection, and there is no evidence to support them.

    Of course, there have been those who sought to cast doubt on the veracity of the resurrection. They have advanced various explanations to account for the open and empty tomb. But there is only one valid explanation for the empty tomb, and that is the one the Bible presents — that Jesus on the third day rose from the dead and appeared to His disciples (also some 500 others) for a period of forty days.

    The apostles of Christ were eyewitnesses to His resurrection. These men had been with Him before His death; a number of them had been with Him for about three and a half years. They had seen Him during the trial; some of them had seen Him die on the cross. After His resurrection, these men associated with Him for about forty days. They talked with Him; they handled Him; they saw Him. They had every reason for believing that the Christ whom they saw was the one who had been crucified.

    In fact, at first, some of them, notably Thomas, doubted. He said, “Except I shall see in His hands the print of the nails, and thrust my hand into His side, I will not believe.” Later, when Jesus appeared and told him examine His wounds to see that He really rose from the dead, Thomas said, “My Lord and my God.” (John 20:24-28)

    Now if Jesus was not really raised from the dead these apostles, were either deceivers or they were deceived. Is it likely that these men would be deceived, men who had known Jesus so well before His death and had been associated with Him after His resurrection? Would these men have had any reason to be deliberate deceivers? What was there to gain from preaching that Christ was risen from the dead if He really had not risen from the dead?

    There was no financial gain; there was no social prestige; there was no political power to come as a result of their preaching the resurrection. The only prospect that they had insofar as human rewards were concerned was the prospect of peril and persecution, of imprisonment and death. Yet all these apostles went out and preached that Christ had been raised from the dead. And they all, save one, paid for this testimony with their lives. No one suffers peril, persecution, and a cruel death for what he knows to be a lie.

    If the apostles of Christ were deliberate deceivers, why is it that not one of them under the most trying circumstances (e.g. imprisonment, stoning, and death) ever recanted his testimony? Men do not manifest this kind of steadfastness and loyalty to a known falsehood. They all asserted right up to the end that they saw Jesus after He was raised from the dead.

    By their lives and deaths these men demonstrated that what they were teaching was the truth. When they preached the resurrection, they did not begin in Galilee; they began in Jerusalem where Christ had been crucified. When they began preaching the resurrection, it was not to men who knew nothing about the death of Christ; it was to men who had been guilty of crucifying the Lord (Acts 2:22-23). These men deported themselves as men who knew what they were talking about. They deported themselves as men who were under tremendous conviction. No one can account for the changed attitude of these men, for their restored hope, for their renewed courage, for their long lives of toil and sacrifice and suffering apart from the fact that they were prompted by the undying conviction that Jesus Christ was raised from the dead. It is more difficult to believe that these men acted a lie, suffered for it, and died for it, than it is to believe in the resurrection of Christ from the dead.

    It was because of their powerful testimony that faith in Jesus grew in spite of detractors, competing religions and philosophies, and severe state persecution. This could not take place if the resurrection was a lie perpetrated by Jesus Himself or His apostles.

    The Bible consists of 66 books written by some 40 different men spanning a period of over 4,000 years. It contains three distinct languages (Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic). The writers were from a wide variety of nationalities; and their professions ranged from kings to fishermen to tentmakers.

    I believe that the Biblical text in the original languages, as it was given, contains no errors. There are ample reasons for this, but let me summarize a few points:

    The Bible is true historically. In spite of comments to the contrary, archeology continually has verified the validity of Bible.

    The Bible is true scientifically. Nothing in Scripture has been invalidated by science. In fact, many scientific principles are found in the Bible. A sampling of these would include the roundness of the earth (Isaiah 40:22), the almost infinite extent of the sidereal universe (Isaiah 55:9), the law of conservation of mass and energy (I1 Peter 3:7), the hydrologic cycle (Ecclesiastes 1:7), the vast number of stars (Jeremiah 33:22), the equivalence of matter and energy (Hebrews 1:3), the law of increasing entropy (Psalm 102:25-27), the paramount importance of blood in life processes (Leviticus 17:11), the atmospheric circulation (Ecclesiastes 1:6), the gravitational field (Job 26:7), and many others. These are not stated in the technical jargon of modern science, of course, but in terms of the basic world of man’s everyday experience; nevertheless, they are completely in accord with the most modern scientific facts.

    The Bible is true prophetically. Click here to read the article, “The Bible: Proof of Its Supernatural Origin.” For a detailed discussion of this area, also see the book, “Evidence that Demands a Verdict,” by Josh McDowell. Jesus was the precise fulfillment of virtually hundreds of Messianic prophecies! A few examples are Messiah’s humanity (Genesis 3:15); Messiah’s Jewishness (Genesis 12:1-3; 28:10-15); Messiah’s tribe (Genesis 49:10); Messiah’s family (2 Samuel 7:16; Jeremiah 23:5-6); Messiah’s birthplace (Micah 5:2); Messiah’s life, reception, suffering, work at the cross, death, and resurrection (Isaiah 52:13; 53); and the details of Messiah’s crucifixion (Psalm 22).

    To illustrate this point further, below is a list of Old Testament prophecies and their New Testament fulfillment by Jesus Christ:


    Born of a virgin Isaiah 7:14 Matthew 1:18, 24, 25

    Tribe of Judah Genesis 49:10 Luke 3:23, 33

    House of David Jeremiah 23:5 Luke 3:23

    Born at Bethlehem Micah 5:12 Matthew 2:1

    Preceded by a messenger (John the Baptist) Isaiah 40:3 Matthew 3:1, 2

    Ministry to begin in Galilee Isaiah 9:1 Matthew 4:12, 13, 17

    Perform Miracles Isaiah 35:5, 6 Matthew 9:35

    Teacher of Parables Psalm 78:2 Matthew 13:34

    To enter Jerusalem on a donkey Zechariah 9:9 Matthew 21:6-11

    Gentile Nations to believe on Him Isaiah 60:3 Acts 13:47, 48

    To rise from the dead Psalm 16:10 Acts 2:31

    To ascend to Heaven Psalm 68:18 Acts 1:9

    Betrayed by a friend Psalm 41:9 Matthew 10:4

    Sold for 30 pieces of silver Zechariah 11:12 Matthew 26:15

    Money to be thrown in the Temple Zechariah 11:13 Matthew 27:5

    Money to buy a potter’s field Zechariah 11:13 Matthew 27:7

    Forsaken by His disciples Zechariah 13:7 Matthew 14:20

    False witnesses accuse Him Psalm 35:11 Matthew 26:59, 60

    Silent before His accusers Isaiah 53:7 Matthew 27:12

    Beaten, wounded, spat on Isaiah 50:6 Matthew 26:67

    Hands and feet pierced Psalm 22:16 Luke 23:33

    Crucified with thieves Isaiah 53:12 Matthew 27:38

    Garments parted and lots cast Psalm 22:18 John 19: 23, 24

    Gall and vinegar offered Him Psalm 69:21 Matthew 27:34

    His forsaken cry Psalm 22:1 Matthew 27:46

    No bones broken Psalm 34:20 John 19:23

    His side pierced Zechariah 12:10 John 19:34

    Darkness over land from midday Amos 8:9 Matthew 27:45

    Buried in rich man’s tomb Isaiah 53:9 Matthew 27: 57-60

    Messiah to offer Himself as Prince to Israel 173,880 days after March 5, 444 BC Daniel 9:26, 27 Luke 19:41-44

    Messiah comes, Messiah cut off (dies), Jerusalem and Temple destroyed Daniel 9:26 by Titus in 70 AD

    Jews to lose power to pass death sentence 23 years before the trial of Christ Genesis 49:10 11 AD (Josephus, Antiquities, Book 17:13:1-5)

    The following probabilities are taken from Peter Stoner in Science Speaks (Moody Press, 1963) to show that coincidence is ruled out by the science of probability. Stoner says that by using the modern science of probability in reference to eight prophecies, we find that the chance that any man might have lived down to the present time and fulfilled all eight prophecies is 1 in ten to the 17th power.” That would be 1 in 100,000,000,000,000,000. In order to help us comprehend this staggering probability, Stoner illustrates it by supposing that “we take ten to the seventeenth power silver dollars and lay them on the face of Texas. They will cover all of the state two feet deep. Now mark one of these silver dollars and stir the whole mass thoroughly, all over the state. Blindfold a man and tell him that he can travel as far as he wishes, but he must pick up one silver dollar and say that this is the right one. What chance would he have of getting the right one? Just the same chance that the prophets would have had of writing these eight prophecies and having them all come true in any one man.”

    Stoner considers 48 prophecies and says, “we find the chance that any one man fulfilled all 48 prophecies to be 1 in ten to the 157th power, or 1 in

    1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, 000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, 000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.”

    The estimated number of electrons in the universe is around ten to the seventy-ninth power. It should be quite evident that Jesus did not fulfill the prophecies by accident. He was who He said He was: the only way (John 14:6).

    It is due to the evidence presented here that I believe God exists and Christianity to be the only true religion, and why I cannot accept as rational the idea that one religion is just as good as another. Jesus is who He claimed to be, and He proved this by fulfilling prophecy and rising from the dead.

  35. (english is not my first language, so sorry for all the mistakes I am making!)

    Wow, you really seem to hate atheists…


    “Atheism is inadequate as a rational worldview because it cannot adequately explain the existence of the universe”

    Atheism is a belief, thats all…it does not have to explain anything. We sure know a lot of things about the formation of the universe and the evolution of life on earth, but the only thing everyone should say for now is that some informations are missing. I don’t understand why people have to explain things their own way when informations are missing (like I said before, that’s where prejudices take form). An agnostic would say we just don’t know, and as an atheist, I add that I cannot believe when we don’t know. If someone tells me something that has a chance to be true, I will say that I believe him, but if a book tells me that god exist (which has no chance of being true for now), I cannot believe it for now.


    “The atheistic worldview is irrational and cannot provide an adequate basis for intelligible experience. An atheistic world is ultimately random, disorderly, transitory, and volatile. It is therefore incapable of providing the necessary preconditions to account for the laws of science and the universal laws of logic. In short, it cannot account for the meaningful realities people encounter in life”

    I really don’t understand your view on athist people (prejudice…)


    “The law of non-contradiction is the foundation for all logical thinking”

    This is true when you talk about facts, not for beliefs.


    “It is due to the evidence presented here that I believe God exists and Christianity to be the only true religion, and why I cannot accept as rational the idea that one religion is just as good as another. Jesus is who He claimed to be, and He proved this by fulfilling prophecy and rising from the dead.”

    The links between probabilities and prophecies…that is not science. And what is the link with the existence of god. Yes for someone who wants to believe in god those prophecies will look like evidences, but if you apply a more serious approach of thinking (a scientific one), it’s impossible to jump to the conclusion of the existence of God. Many creationists try to be scientific about their beliefs, which is a good thing, but their belief are ofter so strong that it takes away the value of the scientific approach.

    You seem to know a lot of things about religion, but do you know a lot of things about science? I don’t say that to be impolite, it’s just to ask what are your beliefs about the evolution of life on earth? I really don’t know the bible, but I wounder what it is saying about the evolution of life (in the Biblical text in the original languages you where talking that contains no error).

  36. Only ignorant fools believe in christianity, and only complete retards hold the bible as any proof in god, you’ll see nowadays that evangelists everywhere dont use the bible as proof very much anymore, usually talking about things that we cant explain. This is because the bible is so contradictory of itself that if you read it over the age of twelve, it seems like it was written by a retarded monkey on crack. Check out the site:


    Genesis sounds like a childrens book. For spastics.

  37. scuse me to all those rude idiots but there is a god, an how much proof do u guys need our religion christianity is da biggest faith in da world so blah in ur face just read da bible and find out 4urself yall learn somink and mayb convert 2 a christian or somink…………

  38. I don’t normally spend alot of time arguing about beliefs,whether they are my own or those of another. I believe that a person has a right to believe in whatever they choose.It’s called free agency.I also believe a person shouldn’t blindly follow others.A person must figure out things for themselves.You can’t grow if you follow another like a sheep.To believe or not believe in God certainly will take time to develop its not really an overnight decision but rather a slow process ,much like a fine picture or a song.To paint a picture a write a song will take time,mistakes(trial and error) and patience.till finally you have completed your work or i.e made up you mind.But even then that doesnt mean to say that i think once a mind is made up your “picture” cant be altered or the lyrics changed slightly or even write a new song altogther.Both of these things change with your mood sometimes the song is sad , days even years later you may decide to write an up beat tune.That will usually happen when your mind changes,when you tastes change,attitude, etc.Personally, I enjoyed the comments made by the one called Alexander, he/she hit alot of points that I too agree with. you’ve obviously done quite a bit of research.You’ve studied a lot out in your mind ,looked into other religions or point of views and came to a decision. What I liked the most was that you don’t limit youself to just one possibilty, you considered more than an average christian or atheist would.Now I realize you may not even read this but I’ll type than anyway.Now as for me I believe in God and His son Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost, But that wasnt always the case.You see i grew up in a Chrstian church i was taught very young about the Pre-Existance of man,the Plan of Salvation, everyones role in the plan, who would be our redeemer, what we would do here on earth and what would happen when we died. I was “expected” to be baptized at age 8 and thats how it turned out.I would then be taught many lessons from the scriptures. I was always pounded with doctrine always told to do this or that without actually questioning any of the teachings. i felt overwhelmed as anybody would be.It would be when i was a teenager that i began a “rebellious”streak, simply because i began questioning my faith.I was encouraged to go to church activites read the scriptures,search them throughly -with an open mind-ponder and pray about its authenticity.But…I didn’t bother, by that time i was wrapped up in my own ways to even care about God or even worry about if he was real. beacause at that time I felt i had received more than my share of troubles and heartache. I was tired of trying,tired of thinking about God. I became very bitter,sarcastic,full of hate, or simply put negative about life, as well as a number of other emotions. In fact, I recognize many traits in alot of you that have been a part of me for so long.I vexed many “goody-goodies”,who always seemed happy about life and happy with their families,the kind of people who seem to have it all. I wanted that.deep down at least,because i don’t think a person who is honest with themselves likes being depressed,envious of others, etc.We all want to belong somewhere even loners(experienced a little of that too.) And the thing of it was is i knew what i had to do to achieve joy.i was taught how.i just didnt believe, or want to try.Overtime, i began to search to other possibilities of man’s and earth’s origins, other than christianity’s explanation.You can say i was a bit agnostic, i knew something was out there, i just didnt know what.I eventually gave up trying to find explanations to my questions and tried an easy approach-apathy.At the time i figured if i didnt care i wouldnt end up disapointed less problems to solve = less pain and confusion.Well to cut that short, it didnt work out not caring isnt the answer obviously.I wouldnt begin believing in God again after my family experienced an unexpected trial(that will happen sometimes in your life).Due to that trial i once again tried believing.I know its not logical,but faith really isnt a logical idea.You basically believe without really knowing it all and at the same time feel comfortable with that.I realized, i wouldnt know everthing in this life. but i was willing at that time to give it a shot.Taking that leap without seeing the bottom, not knowing if i will get hurt by landing on jagged rocks or disapointed with the result or actually founding out that the landing was as soft as landing on a pile of pillows.its was after that unfortunate event that Itried to “humble” myself enough to try a vocal prayer.if there was no God i would just be talking outloud, if there was a God i could ask to know of him and where it was that he was hiding from me what he wanted me to do with my wasted life.and if he could possibly forgive me for all that i had done,mocking him and others who believed in him, to name a few.which may not seem so bad to non- believers i guess. but for me, at the time, I was in a tug of war match with God and Lucifer son of the morning (a.k.a the devil). I woudnt be a contestant, trying to help one force beat the other, but in fact be the rope itself.( I know even confucius would think that one was corny but it served my point.) and i knew i had to decide which side to choose. In short my prayer was answered,i knew what it was i should do with my life. Part of it would be to stop spending my enegies on negative things like arguing about who is right and who is wrong because there is opposition in everything. You can’t know joy without knowing sorrow, love without hate,light without darkness,freedom without oppression. I believe a just God would give you these kind of experiences for your growth physically,mentally,emotionally,spirituallyand any other way.He allowed the same for me, i coudln’t find joy and be happier without first experiencing the pains of my personal sins. and self-inflicted misery.Yes, at times things dont make sense or we have our lives changed witout fully knowing why. or why some seem to suffer more than others.And it is easy to say when these things happen or dont happen, ” well there must not be a God or he isnt as loving as those christians testify him to be”. And I don’t mean to argue, if thats how that came out…i respect everyones beliefs…especially when they may not coincide with my own.An Atheist has a right to believe that there is no God. Just as I can believe there is.An arguement would serve no purpose it would just create a contention and confusion among us (which is what satan wants i think).Atheism and being agnostic didnt work for me….I couldnt say there was no God anymore. because it dawned on me that TO KNOW there wasnt a God would suggest that i had searched the whole planet earth for him and not find him. and honestly ive never left the U.S. I ‘ve never checked the bounds of space every other planet there is in our galaxy for him, i havent searched any neighboring galaxies and stars for a hidden residence.I’ve only seen a few people even reach space, and a number of probes and satellites sent beyond where they have landed.And i dont know if those probes were even looking for God.So just because i havent physically seen yet i look forward to the day when i can. I’ve received all the conformation i’ll need right now. there have been too many witnesses too many occurrances in earth’s history. To me, they can’t be mere coincidences. even if others are quick to judge without taking everything into consideration. Such prejudices are often dangerous for a person’s mind and heart, if they intend to be at least a rational thinker.It’s my testimony or the convictions of my heart that tell me that there is a God, for those still wondering what to think about anything in this life, here’s my best advice….decide for yourself, its very important to be open-minded dont discount anything or judge unfairly with what others say. once youve decided then if you feel promted—-disagree, but as i’ve said before its up to you. And i say these things in the name of Jesus Christ amen.

  39. Think about it. All the millions of planets and all the different galaxies, there is a god. Even if you all argue that the universe was made scientifically, and that evolution happened, someone had to make that happen. Someone had to of made those billions of rocks and mereorites start to gush together to form Earth and all the other planets out there. It also shows God loves us because of all the different species of life out there in this vast universe, God came down and manifested himself in Jesus and lead us in the right direction. Even if you believe Jesus wasn’t the son of God, Jesus still got wind that there was only one God. No one could of told him this except God, because everyone else in Rome at that time was polytheistic. Whenever polytheism starts to kick up, God seems to come down or tell certain individuals to spread His word. This happened with Jesus and later on in Islamic culture with Muhhammed. Also, you all have a conscience whether you are aware of it or not. Some listen and feel it more than others. I can feel a certain feeling in me when I am doing something I know is wrong. The brain doesn’t tell you it because you wouldn’t feel bad after you did something bad, you would just simply recieve a signal from your brain saying “wrong”. Your conscience is part of your soul, and your soul is the one that feels at peace when doing something right. This scientifical wonder we call the universe is so vast, huge and mind-boggling that no huiman or earlier form of life could create it. The only one with that much power, who could form mother nature and storms and love and hills and glaciers and everything else is God. I’m not saying he soley created only us and I’m not going along with the Bible “Adam and Eve” story. I’m saying the eveloution that eventually turned into the human race inhabting this earth was caused by the universe, which is created by God. One of the reasons why people are atheists is because they have not seen God. Well, no one but Jesus has seen God, and not seeing God and still beleiveing in him requires faith, which is what he wnats us to have. If God showed himself, we would have no reason to believe and listen to our conscience. I solely believe God put our conscience in as a tiny version of himself to aid in our decisions. There is a God.

  40. One cannot believe in something if one has no knowledge. Knowledge is derived from experience. Experience is derived from all observation. Observation is not limited to a thought but is limited to personal experience. We all believe in things even though we have no personal experience. How are we capable of believing? It comes down to using knowledge that was derived from personal experience to fill in any blanks.

    i•mag•i•na•tion 1a. The formation of a mental image of something that is neither perceived as real nor present to the senses. b. The mental image so formed

    c. The ability or tendency to form such images. 2. The ability to confront and deal with reality by using the creative power of the mind; resourcefulness: handled the problems with great imagination. 3. A traditional or widely held belief or opinion.

    4. Archaic. a. An unrealistic idea or notion; a fancy. b. A plan or scheme.

    Experience is limited to oneself and oneself alone. There isn’t another person on this earth that has experienced your life.

  41. Some of the comments on this page are so annoying!! ‘oh theres not a god! you all been brainwashed! theres no prof theres a God…well there is. Anyone seen Mountion of Fire DVD? A x police man and a non-believer went to Saudi Arabia to find that holy mountion Moses was on in the Exodus story. God sent fie down from Heaven, according to the Bible. Well they found the real mountion- watch the dvd some time. It had hard core evidence- like along that mountion was a strip of blankess..and they wenrt volcanic mountions. It was the burnt crisp along the mountion from when God sent down fire. It proves God is real. The saudi Arabians put a fence around the mountion saying in their language and English not to enter. Their were many other things that fit, that are exact according to the bible! The exodus story has been proved a real story, not a myth but a true event, in which God showed himself. The Red Sea that opened up for Moses really happened and there has been found evidence. There has been found thousands and thousands of carridges and carts etc. Why would a book called the Hol Bible be written if it were not true? why who? why write a book of lies? and send it to every church? it would never happen. The Bible is the ultimate Truth, the inspired word of God and you should believe and be prepared for everything it says, for it is the only thing with the answers. I don’t get athiests..how can you not believe in God? How? How? How??? How can you not believe in something just because he won’t pop his head down and reveal himself? He cant reveal himself because it would cause a worldwide panic. So..now, cause you can’t see it, not it dosn’t exist? For all those athiests out there, I’d like you to explain to me how exacly there is even a universe without a Higher Power…I’d like you to explain away all this to me. Explain the mountion in Saudi Arabia..why’s it still got burning marks? explain why there was found thousands and thousands of carridges in the Red Sea? Explain The Shroud of Jesus?? you know the one they found that was supposeldy placed on Jesus after his death…it has the image of him on it. History wouldn’t allow Religion to be fake, it’s been nicely presevred for too long. The Truth is there is a God, and you can defintly feel his presence, and I personally know he is real, because a few of my prayers have been answered. For example, when I was a little girl, I prayed every single night for a baby sister..and soon enough I get a baby sister. Coincidence? maybe but my parents always said they wern’t having another child…coincidence it turned out to be a girl? maybe but I believe my prayers were answered. The fact is God is real, and thats a fact because the Exodus story has been proven a true story. In the end, it’s only the non-believers and atheists who will lose. I don’t understand why people won’t take the winning side when in the end it’s their own loss, no matter how many times they try and tell people there is no God. The ones that know, won’t listen, and you’ll be the ones who have to explain why you didn’t listen on that speciel judgment day.

  42. Why do you say people believe in a higher power because they need to, or cause they are weak minded? Why dont you believe? Why do you question? You can’t understand what you don’t know. Jesus Christ is Lord and is already on his way to retreive those who remain loyal to him. I know Him personally. I used to be an Atheist, but God revealed himself to me. Scared me sensless but He did what he needed to do. Dont say “Oh it’s my right not to believe in God”. Listen, you have no right, you dont know Him. If I were you, I’ get on my hands and knees, ask the Lord your God for forivness, before it is too late. The time is coming, everyone will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven, every knee will bow, and every tongue will confess, that Jesus is Lord! Praise be to the Son who knew no sin, who became sin, so that I could be saved through Him. Hallelujah, Glory to God! I am praying for everyone of you. Be blessed in Jesus’ name.

    Testimony of the Risen Lord

  43. i’m diabolic and i dont believe in god. i worship the devil. i dont think people should believe in god. THERE IS NO GOD!!

  44. Hello there: I just have to say that if there is a god, why are some people so rich and others so poor? Why are some people so intelligent and others mentally retarded? Why some people live 90 years while others just 25? Why has nobody seen him for over 2000 years? Why aren’t we created equal? If we are endeed created equal why so many differences amount us? If he made us to his image, how come some of us are white others black and others kind of yellow? Definitely god could not posses three different skin colors, could he? I could go forever asking question of this magnitude but i do not think they will change nobody’s way of thinking. I mean if you believe in the almighty that’s the way you probably will end up. Because I cannot bring forward such an strong argument as to make you quit are change your faith. Keep in mind that is not the main idea here. I respect everybody’s believe and faith. For my part I have nothing more to add, but to double quote one of the greatest man in history, Charles Robert Darwin (1809- 1882) ” If I saw an angel come down to teach us good, and I was convinced from others seeing him that I was not mad, I should believe in design.” ” If man was made of brass or iron and no way connected with any other organism which had ver lived, I should perhaps be convinced.”

  45. I belive in one religion and one religion only, and thats christian….im not cathloic or babtist or any of these false chruches which are written no where in the bible im part of a chruch called. church of god world misson society. and we believe in everything that jesus said many believer of god think that they are saved through beliveing but as you know there is more to it then just believing you have to also do gods will. what i dont understand is why people worship on sunday..it dosent say any where in the bible to worship on sunday…it says the sabbath day which is saturday and how we can see that is if you look in gen 2:1 it says that the lord blessed the 7th day and made it holy…and if u look at a calender it shows that sunday is the first day of the week and saturday is the last day of the week which would be the 7th day many people dont see that it also says the the 7th day is a sabbath to the lord your god on it you shall do no work its a day to rest..even in the 10 commandments it shows that god wants everyone to keep his sabbath day…yet people desacrate it and make it there own man made day. it also shows that thru keeping god commands we have eternal life mat 7:21 “not everyone who says to me lord lord will enter the kingdom of heaven but only he who does the will of my father in heaven. on that day people will say to me did we not prophecy in your name and in your name drive out many demons and preform many mericals, then i will say to them away from me you evildoeres”..as you can see …the only people who belive in god will say lord lord but god is saying just because you call on me and believe that does not get you into my kingdom but only he who does the will of god…and obvisoolly gods wills are to keep everything he says. Our chruch is the only church in the whole world which keeps gods festivals and commands on the days that gods kept them. and we are the only chruch which keeps the actual passover that god kept with his disiples. alot of people do the blood and whine but they do it whenever they want. and god kept his passover at an appiointed time not just anytime he felt like it and he says on the passover night:do this in remembrence of me for generations to come. obvisolly generations mean forever and ever not just then. and it also shows that the passover is the way to eternal life. Jesus says unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood you have no life in you. but whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life and i will raise him up on the last day .I used to be in the cathlic church but i found i never understood anything at all i just went because i wanted to do the right thing i even switched over to the babtist chruch but i found also no truth in it..half the time the people were teaching with the bibe shut either that or they would read a couple random scriptures from the bible i mean i wanted to feel i was saved so bad i wanted that feeling but you know nothing i learned in any of those churches stuck with me ..i asked the pastor “why do we keep chrismas and easter” it dosent even say it in the bible and he says it dont matter its a day for rembering what jesus has done”…but no where does it say that jesus wants us to keep chrismas or easter. he wants us to keep the festivals that he keeps. ever since i have found the chruch of god i have been a much happier person everyone just makes you feel loved and you will never feel like a stranger with gods people its wonderful i have found a place where i fit and the people who dont even no me tell me that they love me and everyone hugs eachother and this is no lie its so great and i feel like i am apart of god by keeping his commands

    please if anybody would like to learn more about our church or just do some studies i would be more that happy to help anyone at any time …my number is 704-912-2214 ask for ashley…call anytime it does not matter teaching the word of god is more important that anything to me and i would never force anyone to believe anything i just like to try and teach people and weather they decided to join us well that is up to them.

    thank you

    sister ashley of church of god world misson society I belive in one religion and one religion only, and thats christian….im not cathloic or babtist or any of these false chruches which are written no where in the bible im part of a chruch called. church of god world misson society. and we believe in everything that jesus said many believer of god think that they are saved through beliveing but as you know there is more to it then just believing you have to also do gods will. what i dont understand is why people worship on sunday..it dosent say any where in the bible to worship on sunday…it says the sabbath day which is saturday and how we can see that is if you look in gen 2:1 it says that the lord blessed the 7th day and made it holy…and if u look at a calender it shows that sunday is the first day of the week and saturday is the last day of the week which would be the 7th day many people dont see that it also says the the 7th day is a sabbath to the lord your god on it you shall do no work its a day to rest..even in the 10 commandments it shows that god wants everyone to keep his sabbath day…yet people desacrate it and make it there own man made day. it also shows that thru keeping god commands we have eternal life mat 7:21 “not everyone who says to me lord lord will enter the kingdom of heaven but only he who does the will of my father in heaven. on that day people will say to me did we not prophecy in your name and in your name drive out many demons and preform many mericals, then i will say to them away from me you evildoeres”..as you can see …the only people who belive in god will say lord lord but god is saying just because you call on me and believe that does not get you into my kingdom but only he who does the will of god…and obvisoolly gods wills are to keep everything he says. Our chruch is the only church in the whole world which keeps gods festivals and commands on the days that gods kept them. and we are the only chruch which keeps the actual passover that god kept with his disiples. alot of people do the blood and whine but they do it whenever they want. and god kept his passover at an appiointed time not just anytime he felt like it and he says on the passover night:do this in remembrence of me for generations to come. obvisolly generations mean forever and ever not just then. and it also shows that the passover is the way to eternal life. Jesus says unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood you have no life in you. but whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life and i will raise him up on the last day .I used to be in the cathlic church but i found i never understood anything at all i just went because i wanted to do the right thing i even switched over to the babtist chruch but i found also no truth in it..half the time the people were teaching with the bibe shut either that or they would read a couple random scriptures from the bible i mean i wanted to feel i was saved so bad i wanted that feeling but you know nothing i learned in any of those churches stuck with me ..i asked the pastor “why do we keep chrismas and easter” it dosent even say it in the bible and he says it dont matter its a day for rembering what jesus has done”…but no where does it say that jesus wants us to keep chrismas or easter. he wants us to keep the festivals that he keeps. ever since i have found the chruch of god i have been a much happier person everyone just makes you feel loved and you will never feel like a stranger with gods people its wonderful i have found a place where i fit and the people who dont even no me tell me that they love me and everyone hugs eachother and this is no lie its so great and i feel like i am apart of god by keeping his commands

    please if anybody would like to learn more about our church or just do some studies i would be more that happy to help anyone at any time …my number is 704-912-2214 ask for ashley…call anytime it does not matter teaching the word of god is more important that anything to me and i would never force anyone to believe anything i just like to try and teach people and weather they decided to join us well that is up to them.

    thank you

    sister ashley of church of god world misson society I belive in one religion and one religion only, and thats christian….im not cathloic or babtist or any of these false chruches which are written no where in the bible im part of a chruch called. church of god world misson society. and we believe in everything that jesus said many believer of god think that they are saved through beliveing but as you know there is more to it then just believing you have to also do gods will. what i dont understand is why people worship on sunday..it dosent say any where in the bible to worship on sunday…it says the sabbath day which is saturday and how we can see that is if you look in gen 2:1 it says that the lord blessed the 7th day and made it holy…and if u look at a calender it shows that sunday is the first day of the week and saturday is the last day of the week which would be the 7th day many people dont see that it also says the the 7th day is a sabbath to the lord your god on it you shall do no work its a day to rest..even in the 10 commandments it shows that god wants everyone to keep his sabbath day…yet people desacrate it and make it there own man made day. it also shows that thru keeping god commands we have eternal life mat 7:21 “not everyone who says to me lord lord will enter the kingdom of heaven but only he who does the will of my father in heaven. on that day people will say to me did we not prophecy in your name and in your name drive out many demons and preform many mericals, then i will say to them away from me you evildoeres”..as you can see …the only people who belive in god will say lord lord but god is saying just because you call on me and believe that does not get you into my kingdom but only he who does the will of god…and obvisoolly gods wills are to keep everything he says. Our chruch is the only church in the whole world which keeps gods festivals and commands on the days that gods kept them. and we are the only chruch which keeps the actual passover that god kept with his disiples. alot of people do the blood and whine but they do it whenever they want. and god kept his passover at an appiointed time not just anytime he felt like it and he says on the passover night:do this in remembrence of me for generations to come. obvisolly generations mean forever and ever not just then. and it also shows that the passover is the way to eternal life. Jesus says unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood you have no life in you. but whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life and i will raise him up on the last day .I used to be in the cathlic church but i found i never understood anything at all i just went because i wanted to do the right thing i even switched over to the babtist chruch but i found also no truth in it..half the time the people were teaching with the bibe shut either that or they would read a couple random scriptures from the bible i mean i wanted to feel i was saved so bad i wanted that feeling but you know nothing i learned in any of those churches stuck with me ..i asked the pastor “why do we keep chrismas and easter” it dosent even say it in the bible and he says it dont matter its a day for rembering what jesus has done”…but no where does it say that jesus wants us to keep chrismas or easter. he wants us to keep the festivals that he keeps. ever since i have found the chruch of god i have been a much happier person everyone just makes you feel loved and you will never feel like a stranger with gods people its wonderful i have found a place where i fit and the people who dont even no me tell me that they love me and everyone hugs eachother and this is no lie its so great and i feel like i am apart of god by keeping his commands

    please if anybody would like to learn more about our church or just do some studies i would be more that happy to help anyone at any time …my number is 704-912-2214 ask for ashley…call anytime it does not matter teaching the word of god is more important that anything to me and i would never force anyone to believe anything i just like to try and teach people and weather they decided to join us well that is up to them.

    thank you

    sister ashley of church of god world misson society I belive in one religion and one religion only, and thats christian….im not cathloic or babtist or any of these false chruches which are written no where in the bible im part of a chruch called. church of god world misson society. and we believe in everything that jesus said many believer of god think that they are saved through beliveing but as you know there is more to it then just believing you have to also do gods will. what i dont understand is why people worship on sunday..it dosent say any where in the bible to worship on sunday…it says the sabbath day which is saturday and how we can see that is if you look in gen 2:1 it says that the lord blessed the 7th day and made it holy…and if u look at a calender it shows that sunday is the first day of the week and saturday is the last day of the week which would be the 7th day many people dont see that it also says the the 7th day is a sabbath to the lord your god on it you shall do no work its a day to rest..even in the 10 commandments it shows that god wants everyone to keep his sabbath day…yet people desacrate it and make it there own man made day. it also shows that thru keeping god commands we have eternal life mat 7:21 “not everyone who says to me lord lord will enter the kingdom of heaven but only he who does the will of my father in heaven. on that day people will say to me did we not prophecy in your name and in your name drive out many demons and preform many mericals, then i will say to them away from me you evildoeres”..as you can see …the only people who belive in god will say lord lord but god is saying just because you call on me and believe that does not get you into my kingdom but only he who does the will of god…and obvisoolly gods wills are to keep everything he says. Our chruch is the only church in the whole world which keeps gods festivals and commands on the days that gods kept them. and we are the only chruch which keeps the actual passover that god kept with his disiples. alot of people do the blood and whine but they do it whenever they want. and god kept his passover at an appiointed time not just anytime he felt like it and he says on the passover night:do this in remembrence of me for generations to come. obvisolly generations mean forever and ever not just then. and it also shows that the passover is the way to eternal life. Jesus says unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood you have no life in you. but whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life and i will raise him up on the last day .I used to be in the cathlic church but i found i never understood anything at all i just went because i wanted to do the right thing i even switched over to the babtist chruch but i found also no truth in it..half the time the people were teaching with the bibe shut either that or they would read a couple random scriptures from the bible i mean i wanted to feel i was saved so bad i wanted that feeling but you know nothing i learned in any of those churches stuck with me ..i asked the pastor “why do we keep chrismas and easter” it dosent even say it in the bible and he says it dont matter its a day for rembering what jesus has done”…but no where does it say that jesus wants us to keep chrismas or easter. he wants us to keep the festivals that he keeps. ever since i have found the chruch of god i have been a much happier person everyone just makes you feel loved and you will never feel like a stranger with gods people its wonderful i have found a place where i fit and the people who dont even no me tell me that they love me and everyone hugs eachother and this is no lie its so great and i feel like i am apart of god by keeping his commands

    please if anybody would like to learn more about our church or just do some studies i would be more that happy to help anyone at any time …my number is 704-912-2214 ask for ashley…call anytime it does not matter teaching the word of god is more important that anything to me and i would never force anyone to believe anything i just like to try and teach people and weather they decided to join us well that is up to them.

    thank you

    sister ashley of church of god world misson society

  46. I can’t rule out the possibility of the existence of some higher power but I can safely deny the idea of god as professed by religions. My view is that the human condition and human beings are extremely insignificant, almost irrelevant in comparison to the universe. Because of this, we will never be able to explain the complexities of the universe and the details of our genesis. However, we have made enough progress over the last few centuries to at least weed out the ridiculous theories called religions.

    Religious belief is a comical idea to a logical mind. Religion is the antideluvian political mechanism by virtue of which people were controlled, manipulated, taxed, subjugated and kept in check. It provided for individuals to police themselves when there was no police force, to calculate and walk over the tax to the authorities when there was no IRS, to sign up to fight real and perceived enemies when there was no draft. It served a purpose; it does not anymore! Now it just divides people into teams so you can root for your side and against the other.

  47. wow, alot of great comments..is god real? no one will ever know!!!

    i’ve spent alot of time trying to figure out the truth..is there a god or not? its important to me to know the truth..i would hate to be wrong about the exitence of god and go to hell..as im sure everyone feels..heres my 2 cents….

    the birth of life on earth seems to be a great mystery..but it really seems to be just the cycle of nature…with a 125 billion gallaxies and countless planets with the same elements as earth it seems imposable that we are sugnifigant. why would a god create all these other planets and gallaxies to only put us on this tiny rock…our existance is no more than a part of nature…and as for the big bang, it happend..what cuased it? something beyond our ability sence or percive…which doesn’t mean there must be a god…it just means we dont know…and probably never will becuase the answers are to far out of our reach…i really beleive that if there is a god, we are just some of his creations..arrogance has led people to believe we are more special than we really are. life can be created in a glass of water on my coffie table..and it will exisit everywhere the varibles are right…religon seems to be more of a control tool to keep morals in place,which i believe is a good thing…i couldn’t imagine a world of anarchy..it would be our doom..but i’ll end in saying i dont think there is a god as we’ve come to believe in…if there is a god im possitive the ballence lies more in right from wrong, and good and evil..not all these strick rules you must live by in order to be accepted by god…and i would never worship a god that would sentence me to burn in hell for etenity anyway…but in my opinion , i think that there are many many things we dont understand and that the right answer always seems to be the simplest…and that answer is simply that things are the way they look…life on earth was not a mirrcle, it is just a part of nature…god or not.

  48. Some of you do not believe in God because you have not experienced the power of God. By power I don’t mean superman or batman power or anti-gravity, by power I mean, God’s ability to change people’s lives. Consider this irony: why are the people living in Western society (example: America, Britain, Australia all the rich nations) unhappy and have depression problems? In contrast the people living in Africa are much happier and are praising a “God” despite the living conditions that they are in. Now I am not saying that these people have no depression problems, but there are more emotional problems in Western society than third world societies.

    The reason why people in western society do not believe in God is because we are so “fed”. We have everything (fast cars, money, good jobs, luxury hotels, movies, fashion, nice restaurants) while on the other side of the world they got nothing but family. Trust me, I know what it means by the “power of God”, family have experienced it ourselves.

    Tell me this (if ur an atheist) let’s say your are in a desperate condition and when everything is going wrong and worst than abnormal in your life (let’s say if you have cancer). Tell me if there is no God then. My family have gone through hard times and God had preserved us.

  49. assalamualaikum, because god(allah) is the onlyone who made us who created the whole world,he kknows every thing which we devotee’s dont know ,we r getting every thing …for wht we r praying,allah loves us very much,he solved lots of troubles, and i must say humansbeings r the good creation by god,

    that’s y we beleave in god(allah).

  50. I always find it interesting that the most well written and thought provoking comments on the subject of theisim always conclude that there is no conclusion. God cannot be proven, therefore we have no opinion.

    Conversly, the “theists” comments always seem to be written at the level of a 4th grader, by an individual with a penchant for poor grammar and rambling sentences.

    Once again, this message board proves the inverse relationship between “theists” and IQ. In laymans terms, you are more likely to have a low IQ if you believe in god. The inverse relationship becomes even stronger when there is a fundamentalist belief in any religion. Feel to research that point…If in fact you can use your intellect instead of your emotion.

    The largest danger on this planet is ignorance, foolishness, and denial. Be smart, use your brain, advance this world and our existence instead of living in a delusion.

  51. To everyone, we are so lucky to be living in a wonderful vibrant and vivacious planet, it is such a shame that we do not get along and constatntly destroy what we preciously have the most LIFE!!!

    Respect each other’s believe and let us all get a life and help each other in saving this planet so our children can have the opportunity to enjoy what we are currently enjoying and with time thank each and every one of us as individuals who made a difference. If you believe in a being he/she will reward you, if you don’t believe in a being, you have already enjoyed the fruits of your life!!!

  52. The argument over whether or not God exists is futile: the nature of the argument will prevent us from coming to a universally-accepted conclusion. It is, however, interesting to examine how each of us comes to our beliefs. Many people have commented on “evidence” supporting the existence of Jesus and his miracles — Let’s be clear here that I do in fact believe in God and yet am skeptical as to the factual accuracy of such miracles — others have commented on the historical validity of the bible. We all must decide how to read each of our holy texts and form our beliefs on our own. For me, the bible is more of a metaphor. Whether or not there were people by the same name living at the same time is absolutely irrelevant, the point is how they were used in the bible. I find this debate over “which religion is right” to be very odd… most of the world’s religions stem from the same set of ideals, and many have common elements (Christianity, Catholicism based upon Judaism, Jesus is a muslim prophet as well as the son of the Christian God). We each value a religion differently, and so of course we will have different views. The idea of radical religion or religious wars however is, at least in my mind, completely irrational as regardless of what actions are taken people will still value their own religion, the set of beliefs they wish to follow on their own accord, more.

    As to the comment about the inverse relationship between IQ and theism: that is one of the most ignorant things I have ever read. That comment argues basically that religion is solely an emotional phenomenon and that anyone with any degree of religious conviction thus must be a rambling idiot. My response is that having “no religion” is not an indication of intelligence, rather of sloth. Only someone who does not have the intellectual capacity to examine the many sides of the religion argument and come to a conclusion would proclaim not to have a religion. We have no proof of God; likewise we have no proof against his existence. Theories exist, yes, but as of yet there exists no concrete proof. Until their is such proof, then your vehement denial of God is also a result of emotion, not of reason.

  53. first of all, why believe in something that there is no proof exists?

    If there was a god, then why do we have so many religions with different point of veiws of god? shouldnt their technically just be one ? This already explains that religion is counterdicting it self because we cant have more than one god, or can we ?

    It is proven by science that we all come from the big bang, which is indeed a theory, but a theory that seems more true and realastic than believing in some sort of superior person that created us. It is impossible for us to ever know where we come from because we cant leave this universe. Since we all just come from one small piece of matter, doesnt that mean that everything around us, nature, bugs, water, space and planets are all just the same as us? “yes it does!!”

    So from what knowledge and science tells us we are all just the same piece of matter. Religion is a way for people not to feel lonely, to always have the feeling of having someone there, “guardian angel my ass”. As we all know most religions are centuries old, and that’s why people believe in it, its old documents from the past it must be true! even though I have never seen anyone walk on water… However, my point is, religion is “invented” a thousands of years ago and thats why people see it as a fact, technically it should be the other way around. We live in year 2007! we are smarter, more suffisticated then they were 2000 years ago. We have proven that there is no heaven, we have proven that man cant walk on water, we have also proven that religion causes anger and problems in societies. just look at WW II, millions and millions of Jews died because of their beliefs. If there would be no religion, there would be no argueing about differences between people, because we are all just the same in the end, we are everything!

  54. This quote got me thinking way back in the day…and still does.

    “I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do.

    When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will

    understand why I dismiss yours.”

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