Pakistan Photographs

‘!(big) 500w 335h!’:

!(big) 500w 342h!

Photographic Gallery of Peter Grant’s work inspired by Pakistan’s decorated vehicles. “See more photos at his ‘website.’:

7 thoughts on “Pakistan Photographs”

  1. Hi Ko,

    You may be interested to know that I had over 25 000 visitors to my pakistanphotos web site last month thanks to links and entries like yours. I would if you would mind how you heard about my web site. I have another internet photography project coming up ( ) and I need to work out a way of promoting the website to lots of people, any suggestions.


  2. Hi Peter,

    I don’t remember exactly how I found your website. It was linked somewhere or the other. The ‘Ocean Family’ project looks great – looking forward to seeing the pictures there. You should post a link to your sites at some of the sites listed ‘here’:

  3. according to my openion the government is not developing infrastructur so that the multional companies do not like to have a business in pakistan. Other reason is that in pakistan every one keep their individual benefits and do not work for collective benefits. so that’s why there is lack of honesty. that lead towards social evils. so there is need to correct to these things first.

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