A short doc on the impact of Aghanistan on Pakistan, and vice versa

The video is a bit alarmist – this is a good article with a more balanced view: “Our skewed world view won’t let us see the real Pakistan”:http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2009/mar/15/jason-burke-pakistan

bq.. First for the good news: Pakistan is not about to explode. The Islamic militants are not going to take power tomorrow; the nuclear weapons are not about to be trafficked to al-Qaida; the army is not about to send the Afghan Taliban to invade India; a civil war is unlikely.

The bad news is that Pakistan poses us questions that are much more profound than those we would face if this nation of 170m, the world’s second biggest Muslim state, were simply a failed state.

1 thought on “A short doc on the impact of Aghanistan on Pakistan, and vice versa”

  1. HOLLY CRAP……… wth the hell r we suppose to do??? we support them we r terrorist. we dont support them we r terrorist….

    GR8 Post man….

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