A sure shot sign you’re in the third world

One man supervising another, for a job which doesn’t need much supervision.

The picture looks a bit old and faded, but it’s actually ahead of it’s time as this country is still firmly in the black and white age…

2 thoughts on “A sure shot sign you’re in the third world”

  1. yup typical third world bureacracy, well one thing you ought to observe is that supervisor is in pant shirt meaning he is at least Bcom holder before he got that job. what a waste of human resources, in this day and age even the poor laborer doesn’t need to manualy dig since that can be done small backhoe in just 2 minutes

    p.s: by looking at the pic it doesn’t appear to be native to pakistan but more like india or bangladesh, where ever it maybe from but it is the same in pakistan too.

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