Why Africa Has Become a Bush Priority

Time Magazine is not exactly a bastion of liberalism, and even they are now saying that Libera is all about oil. Others are not so sure, “here”:http://www.balloon-juice.com/archives/002775.html and “here”:http://www.poorschmuck.net/archives/007454.html. Sooner or later, someone is going to write about the Bush administration shutting down Medicare and Social Security becasuse these institutions are known to provide “comfort … Read moreWhy Africa Has Become a Bush Priority

Democrats step up criticism of Bush on Iraq

Sounds just like hyenas closing in on a wounded animal. After all their mishaps, the Bush administration is finally smelling bad enough that the Democrats can see their constituents retching; so they’re now coming out into the light and openly criticizing the Repuplican government. Well, except for a few courageous exceptions, where the hell were … Read moreDemocrats step up criticism of Bush on Iraq

India Asks U.S. To Extradite Former Union Carbide Chairman

Here is a chance for the US government to actually practice what they preach. bq.. WASHINGTON – The International Campaign for Justice in Bhopal (ICJB) and survivors organizations have prompted the Indian government to serve a longstanding notice to the U.S. government to extradite former Union Carbide Chairman Warren Anderson. Anderson is wanted in the … Read moreIndia Asks U.S. To Extradite Former Union Carbide Chairman

The White Man Unburdened

…. Should horrific events take place, we can count on a predictable response: “Good, honest, innocent Americans died today because of evil al-Qaeda terrorists.” Yes, we will hear the President’s voice before he even utters such words. ….In the course, however, of all the quick events of the last few months, our military passed through … Read moreThe White Man Unburdened

Happy Indefensible Day

A post about a post, which in turn is about another post that has many links to other posts and news. bq.. Maureen Farrell unlocks a veritable “arsenal”:http://www.buzzflash.com/farrell/03/07/01.html of smoking guns in a long piece bristling with excellent links at BuzzFlash.com: Intelligence President Bush ignored in the weeks and months before September 11; President Bush’s … Read moreHappy Indefensible Day

Troop morale in Iraq hits rock bottom

The US Army is getting demoralized while their family back home are “getting angry”:http://www.nytimes.com/2003/07/04/national/04FAMI.html. US troops facing extended deployments amid the danger, heat, and uncertainty of an Iraq occupation are suffering from low morale that has in some cases hit “rock bottom.” …… In one Army unit, an officer described the mentality of troops. “They … Read moreTroop morale in Iraq hits rock bottom

TIME.com: Grounding Planes the Wrong Way

“Freedom is Untidy”:http://www.cnn.com/2003/US/04/11/sprj.irq.pentagon/ was Donald Rumsfields take on the looting by the Iraqis. What about the looting being done by the US Army? It’s probably just them celebrating a “job well done”:http://www.thefragment.com/war/mayday.html. Much has been written about how Iraqis complicated the task of rebuilding their country by looting it after Saddam Hussein’s regime fell. In … Read moreTIME.com: Grounding Planes the Wrong Way